Time to Call the Medicaid Fraud Lawyer Today


Time to Call the Medicaid Fraud Lawyer Today

When you are notified that you have been put under investigation for Medicaid fraud, it is important you look at that letter and carefully take the appropriate actions. If you think that the charges are insignificant and can be taken care of in time, make no mistake that when the due date passes you will be on the hook for more than you might realize. The courts have a long list of potential penalties they can hand down, all of which could be avoided if you were to consult today with a local Medicaid fraud attorney.

The Reason for the Investigation
Even if you have read the letter and think you might understand what the charges are, you still need to call a local medicaid fraud attorney and consult with them as to your next action. The courts want to give you every opportunity to clear your name, so if you think going to court unprepared and just saying you didn't know or weren't familiar with the consequences will not help in your case. You are given plenty of time so that you can consult with a local Medicaid fraud attorney and get the professional help needed to provide the court the information they need.

The Penalty for Medicaid Fraud
If you are going to roll the dice and just accept your fate, on the lowest end your suspended benefits may not be reinstated until the case is completely heard. If the court feels that you have not made an effort to clear the issue, you might face a fine or you could have those benefits ended permanently. if the courts feel you purposely violated the terms of the agreement, you not only could face jail time, you may have to pay back every penny that you have received to this point.